Church of the Incarnation

Live-stream Mass

*The link below will take you to our Youtube Livestream page. The stream will go live at least 5 minutes before the scheduled Mass where you can then click on the LIVE link.

Into the Desert! Some inspiration for your Lenten Journey...

2021 Catholic Faith Appeal Video

Welcome back!

The dispensation for Sunday Mass attendance due to the Covid pandemic continues in the Diocese of Venice until further notice from Bishop Dewane.

Church Seating:

To observe social distancing, 3 people can sit in the side pews and 4 people in the center pews. Households can of course sit together.

Please sit only in the pews marked by yellow tape (every other pew). Pews are sanitized daily and after every Mass. Masks are required. Thank you!



Public Mass Schedule: Monday – Friday @ 7am (except Thursday @ 8:15am) and 11am, Saturday 8:30am and 4:30pm Vigil Mass, Sunday 7am, 9am, 11am, 5pm

Live-stream Mass Schedule: Monday - Friday @ 11am, Sunday @ 9am

Communion Distribution: Will be continued for those unable to attend Mass due to health concerns. There will be Eucharistic Ministers at the Church carport on Sundays from 10:15am-10:30am. Please drive up and enter the carport from the school side (not the Bee Ridge side).


Confessions will be in the Music Room and Library Room (both in the foyer area) with the option to go face to face or behind a screen. Parishioners are asked to line up in the foyer observing social distancing (6 feet). Masks are required!

Saturday: 9-9:30am, 3:30-4:30pm

The church is now open for private prayer during office hours. Please click HERE for guidelines.

Registration for Religious Education is now LIVE. 
Click here to sign up today.


Thank you for all your support of our parish and staff. We know it is a difficult time for many financially, and we are so grateful for the generous response we have received from our parishioners.


Stay connected on all that is happening at Incarnation by joining our Flocknote group!

Flocknote helps provide a communication platform that enables you, the member to find and join groups that interest you and decide how you wish to receive communication (text/email/replies).

To sign up, go to or text ICC to 84576 for a link.

For livestream Masses and events, please join us on our Youtube channel at the scheduled time:

Consider following us on Facebook - Incarnation Catholic Church for other updates.


2020 CFA






Our parish is united in the Catholic faith and dedicated to giving witness to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. In the spirit of Christian hospitality and love, we provide opportunities for worship, catechesis, service and community.

Moved by the Holy Spirit, we hold firm to our Catholic tradition and are open to the creative use of God’s gifts.

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Phone: 941-921-6631
Fax: 941-927-2521

Summer Office Hours
Memorial Day through Labor Day
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:30 - 3:00 PM
  • Parish Office
