
 Altar Guild - Mary Meyer, 922-8784

Members of the Altar Guild share in the blessing of preparing the space and the materials necessary for the celebration of Eucharistic Liturgy.  If you are able to help with the cleaning of the Sacred Space or by washing, ironing, or sewing of the liturgical cloths, please call Mary Meyer, 922-8784. Your assistance will be very much appreciated.

Arimatheans/Pallbearers - Jim & Gloria Champers 966-3113

The Arimatheans are a group of concerned parishioners who volunteer to attend funerals of deceased parishioners. Just as Joseph of Arimathia cared for the body of Christ, our parishioners see to it that no one is laid to his or her final rest alone.

Altar Servers - Kathy Connett, 350-4848

Being a server means serving God and His people at Mass on Sundays, holy days and at funerals.  This important service to the Church is open to all young girls and boys of the parish.  You must have made your First Communion and be in the 4th grade to participate in this ministry.   

Bereavement Ministry - Sr. Monica Paul Fraser, OP 921-6631 ext. 225

For those suffering the loss of a loved one, a chronic or terminal illness, there is the opportunity to be part of a support group which meets weekly, for sessions lasting five weeks.  There is also the opportunity for individual conversation with Sr. Monica Paul Fraser, OP., 921.6631 ext.225

Bible Study -   Deacon Pat Palumbo 921-6631

Deacon Pat offers classes on the scriptures throughout the year.  They are offered on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am evenings at 7:00pm.  These classes are held in the Finegan Center Conference Room. 


Care Ministry - Deacon John 921-6631

This is our ministry of bringing the Eucharist to those in nursing homes, hospitals, or at home.  In addition, our Care ministers are sensitive to their overall well-being and report any concerns to the ministry coordinator.  

Cenacle of Prayer - Pat Bretherton 371-7443

The purpose of the Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests is to make us grow in the life of consecration to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.  The format of the cenacle includes an invocation to the Holy Spirit, the rosary, various prayers, a litany, and a prayer of consecration to Our Lady.  The Cenacle meets every Sunday from 3:30 - 5:00pm in the Parish Center Conference Room. 

Charismatic Prayer Group - Mike Hargesheimer-  302-2342
The Charismatic Prayer Group is a group that meets weekly to praise and worship God. The group meets every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish Center.

Children of Mary Rosary Group  - Lois Smolinski,  400-3186

This group gathers together on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Incarnation Chapel.  We pray three of the four Mysteries of the Rosary, the Litany to the Blessed Mother, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  Please join us for part or all of this lovely prayer offering.

Children’s Liturgy - Molly Schorr 924-9566.

Childern's Liturgy helps to bring the gospel message to the younger children of our parish at their level. It is held during the 9:00am Mass every Sunday while Religious Education classes are in session. The children are dismissed before the first readings and return at the offertory. Teachers and aids are much needed! For more information on this ministry or to volunteer as a teacher or teacher's aid, please contact Molly Schorr, 924-9566.

Cub Scouts - Angela Molineaux 970-214-2704

Eucharistic Adoration - Lucy Gatza 953-4857

This ministry welcomes all parish members to join us in our beautiful chapel for an hour of quiet prayer before the exposed Eucharistic Presence of Jesus.  For more information call Lucy Gatza at 953-4857.

Extraordinary Ministers - Leslie Hutchison 921-6631

These Ministers distribute Holy Communion at daily and weekend liturgies.  For more information on this ministry or to volunteer as an Extraordinary Minister, please contact Leslie at 921-6631.

Good Samaritans - Pat Ward 955-8512

The Church of the Incarnation's Good Samaritian motto is "Helping Good Neighbors and Good Neighbors Helping". This Peace and Justice group was formed in March 2000, and in 2004, the group name was changed to the Good Samaritan Ministry. Good Samaritan volunteers run errands, do grocery shopping, mail packages, take client to medical appointments, to service agencies, and provide transportation to Mass. If you want to help your neighbors and were wondering how to get involved, here is one way! For more information on this ministry or to volunteer as a Good Samaritan, please contact Pat Ward 955-8512

Incarnation Choir - Traditional

This choir is a traditional mixed-voice choir under the direction of Music Director.  This choir serves at the 11:00am Sunday Mass and rehearses Thursday from 6:00pm to 7:30 pm.  Call 921-6631 for info.

Knights of Columbus - Steve Wyre, GK     To be a part of this fine organization of Catholic men 18 years and older, call Steve Wyre, 924-4954

Help us to continue our works of charity for the parish, school and community. Join us.

Lectors - Readers - Eileen Parkinson 346-0666
Parishioners with a strong speaking voice, a love of Sacred Scripture and a willingness to serve are invited to be Lectors/Readers at our weekend Masses. Twice a year, there is a training session for interested candidates.For more information on this ministry or to volunteer as a Lector/Reader, call Eileen Parkinson 346-0666.

Legion of Mary/Curia - Susan Gordon 321-3663
The Legion of Mary is a dedicated ministry of men and women who love Our Lady and wish to do her work in this world. You are invited to The Legion Of Mary meeting on any Tuesday at 5:15-7:15 pm in the Religious Ed Office. We think you will find this to be an interesting meeting; one based on Legion spirituality and practical works. Come, listen and follow the inspiration that Mary gives you! For more information on this ministry or to join the Legion of Mary, please contact Susan Gordon, 321-3663.

Little Rock Scripture - Tom & Sarah Flood 954-232-5038

Men’s Club - Dan Molineaux President 894-8210
Mission Statement - "To provide for the men in the parish to come together once a month for a dinner meeting to extend the warm hand of friendship and comaraderie.   We seek to do the Lord's work in generosity and love to one another and to our Parish of the Incarnation. By the grace of God, the example of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to accomplish our mission within and beyond our community."  This Club is primarily social but also participate in several service projects throughout the year.  Annual dues are $20. 

Military Ministry - Dawn Allen, 487-8959

The Church of the Incarnation Military Ministry meets every two months to pray and pack boxes for our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We also advise the parish of any loved ones of our parish serving in the military.  A military picture display is found in the foyer of the church, along with a donation box below the pictures.  Parishioners are welcome to take a list of needed items and drop them off before or after the Sunday Masses.  Our bulletin will list the dates of packing.  Please contact Ellie Longo at 955-6592 if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. Thank you for your support .

 Parish Library - Parish Office 921-6631

The Library endeavors to provide books, tapes and videos for the enjoyment, education, and spiritual encouragement of members of the parish.  Our collections include a variety of materials for prayer, self-help, and spiritual nourishment as well as lives of saints and other biographies, church history and liturgy and assorted fiction and non-fiction.  The library is located in the church foyer.  Please call for times of operation.

Prayer Line - Mary Jane Zuknick 924-4108

Parish Prayer Line takes requests to pray for those who are ill, for thanksgiving, or for special needs. Volunteers are needed to help in praying for these requests. For more information on this ministry or to volunteer for the Parish Prayer Line, please contact Mary Jane Zuknick 924-4108

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - Leslie Hutchison, 921-6631.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is for those seeking entry into the Catholic Church.  It is a journey in which people grow in understanding, spirituality, and faith.  Anyone interested may attend classes without committing to the process of initiation.  The RCIA program begins in the fall and ends at Pentecost with the candidates experiencing full initiation at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. 

Religious Education - Molly Schorr 924-9566

Catechesis is a shared experience for adults and children to learn more about their God, and the love that God has for them.  Our sessions provide information and time to reflect, share, and pray together as a faith-seeking community. 

Respect Life - James and Sylvia Kurt 371-7339

The Catholic Church asserts and affirms the inherent dignity of all human persons. Respect Life is involved with all the issues that pertain to a better way of life for all God's people, from the unborn to the elderly. Respect Life cooperates and participates in local and Diocesan Pro-Life events throughout the year. For more information on this ministry or to volunteer for Respect Life.

Rosary Makers - Carol Muth 923-3500

Members make rosaries each month at their own pace, on their own schedule, so this is a great ministry for those wishing to work out of their homes.  We are always looking for new Members.  

Sociable Singles 50+ - Laurie Merson 331-4375

A group of friends that meet for breakfast at various locations which are announced in the Sunday bulletin. We also have a group that plays cards once a month; locations and contact person are in the bulletin.

St. Vincent de Paul -Paul Tschirhart 921-6631

 The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul:  “A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”

 Who We Are:  Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. As a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule. Organized locally, Vincentians witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ. Vincentians find inspiration in Christ’s life of service to others.  St. Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frederic Ozanam captured this spirit and made it part of their lives and works.  This is the heritage transmitted to all Vincentians.

 St. Vincent advised: “Deal with neighbors in a gentle, humble, and loving manner, even with the most hardened of sinners, and never employ a vehement accusation or reproaches or harsh language toward anyone whomsoever.”  Vincentians judge women and men strictly on their need, not on their color, nationality, education, or morality.  We treat each person with the dignity that belongs to a human being.  That dignity demands, at the very least, that we never judge another person to be useless, unnecessary, or totally bad.  To judge and act that way is unjust.

 The Incarnation Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society meets the last Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Finegan Center Conference Room. There are currently 30+ active members and several Associate Members. There is also the option to be a Contributing Member by participating in works of service by making ongoing monetary gifts or donating professional services. Our annual special activities are the Bethesda House Drive, School Supply Drive, Thanksgiving Wauchula Drive, Christmas Giving Tree and Adopt-a-Family. Donations to the Poor Box in the main church and chapel go directly to assist those in need.

 Almost 100 home visits and more than 250 other in-person visits were made in 2018 by our volunteer caseworkers. That resulted in more than 550 individuals receiving support for rent assistance, utility bills, auto repairs, medical expenses or food.  

For more information or to become a volunteer, please contact Paul Tschirhart at 921-6631. 

Ushers - Tom Belleman 703-623-8782

Men and women who greet and direct parish members, collect the offertory gifts and assist the handicapped. They are usually the first contact to new or visiting parishioners. They should be a warm, cheerful and helping person. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry please call the parish office or Tom Belleman at 703-623-8782

Vacation Bible School - Lisa Russo, 724-2518

Women’s Club - Eileen Parkinson, 346-0666

"The mission of the Organization shall be to promote a spirit of unity and cooperation among the women of Incarnation Parish in religious, educational, social and humanitarian interests; to engage in such forms of Christian action and benevolent work as may commend themselves to this organization."  All ladies of the parish are welcome to join.  Dues are $15 per year.    

Youth Group - Molly Schorr, 924-9566

Youth ministry at Incarnation aims, through a holistic approach, to provide an opportunity for worship, faith sharing, fun, and service.  Peer ministry forms an important part of our gatherings whereby teens share their experiences with one another.

Teens are encouraged to actively participate in liturgies and scripturally based drama.  Personal reflection exercises and teen retreats are offered in order to foster and develop faith and spiritual experiences.  Trips to diocesan and statewide youth events also provide an opportunity for teens to enjoy positive experiences together.  Faith-based education in relation to Justice & Peace issues is one of our central goals, which in turn leads to active service in the parish and wider community.